Stop reading this blog and go outside.

These last beautiful days of August  bring shorter days, but the angle of the sun in late afternoon paints everything it touches gold. The sunsets seem more intense.. or maybe we just appreciate them more knowing soon September will whisk them away.

So please, enjoy them when you can and make an effort to do something that makes your soul happy. I’ll post again next week with an update on the sea to sky highway story and another tidbit on the Port Mann.



6 thoughts on “Stop reading this blog and go outside.

  1. I’ve been feeling bad because I’m behind on your blog (I HAVE been enjoying the great outdoors)..I’ve only been able to TRY to follow the lies in the Duffy Trial (twitter) and I’ve been asking myself if the Con events arent reminding me of a Scientology type cult.. ok maybe I wasn’t a Tory in my last life..but seriously.. WHAT HAPPENED??


    1. HA! It’s been so busy there hasn’t been time to sit and do a big blo – yes, yes Mark you may come back in now. 🙂

      I will be back to normal posting shortly with another announcement too. Stay tuned. Not literally of course….


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