Laila Yuile on The World Today with Jon McComb this afternoon to talk about the search for the HST agreement – and the reality check coming for BC’ers in 2015.

Join me as I chat with Jon McComb this afternoon right after the 4:30 news spot, until about 4:45 and a reminder you can listen in live online, as well as radio !  We will be talking about my search for the HST agreement, as well as the reality check likely to come for BritishContinue reading Laila Yuile on The World Today with Jon McComb this afternoon to talk about the search for the HST agreement – and the reality check coming for BC’ers in 2015.

Transparent & Open government? I think not Ms.Clark. HST agreement hard to find with doctored links and empty pages.

In yesterday’s post, I gave you the 2009 and 2010 HST agreements, the ones the BC government doesn’t seem to want you to see anymore. And you might ask yourself why Ms. Clark, whose mouth seems to spew forth more false promises than a crystal ball, could claim open and transparent government when it isContinue reading Transparent & Open government? I think not Ms.Clark. HST agreement hard to find with doctored links and empty pages.

How much will the HST cost you? Figure it out for yourself with the HST hit list !

Gordon Campbell says that the HST won’t cost British Columbians very much.  image from : In fact,he says it will only cost the average British Columbian a couple of hundred dollars a month, but the benefits are far greater! That is right folks, Gordon Campbell is going to be doing us all a HUGEContinue reading How much will the HST cost you? Figure it out for yourself with the HST hit list !