The more things change, the more they stay the same: BC NDP government approves continuation of Site C – BC’s biggest boondoggle – for the second time.

If you had told me years ago that one day I would be sitting down to write about the second time Horgan made the worst decision of his career, I would have shook my head and chuckled. And I would have likely said: “No, he’s a smart man, he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.”Continue reading The more things change, the more they stay the same: BC NDP government approves continuation of Site C – BC’s biggest boondoggle – for the second time.

Friday round up: Site C, Old Fort Slide lawsuit & the BC Hydro job listing only a fool or very brave soul would apply for.

It is a cold, frosty morning in this part of north island today, and the entire yard is thick with frost that sparkles and glitters like diamonds in the morning sun. Luckily my winter crops of red spear winter broccoli and cabbage are hardy, and I covered the more tender winter greens of rainbow chard,Continue reading Friday round up: Site C, Old Fort Slide lawsuit & the BC Hydro job listing only a fool or very brave soul would apply for.

So much at risk if Site C continues… yet I still don’t think John Horgan has the courage to stop it. Where does this leave residents downstream?

The Globe and Mail editorial board has delivered a piece worthy of reading and since we know the Milburn report is complete and cabinet and treasury board are busy working on yet another set of justifications why they cannot stop the dam, I thought you should read this. It appears to have gone behind aContinue reading So much at risk if Site C continues… yet I still don’t think John Horgan has the courage to stop it. Where does this leave residents downstream?

FOI documents reveal extensive and serious issues at Site C, 3 days before election

Sarah Cox has a stunning story today, and it gives a good overview into why so many cabinet ministers likely chose not to run again, and why Premier Horgan would have wanted to avoid this issue until given a majority government. It took nearly 9 months for her to get these documents and she hasContinue reading FOI documents reveal extensive and serious issues at Site C, 3 days before election