Surrey council/ Whistler mayor candidate has a questionable past

Breaking news , breaking news. Sorry to interrupt your morning, but The Province has uncovered yet another political candidate that anyone voting in Surrey or Whistler should pay close attention to.

Jagmohan Bhandari is running for both a seat on council in Surrey, and for Mayor of Whistler. Hey, wait a minute. The decision to run in two different cities seems to speak to some sort of self indulgent fantasy of grandeur, but hey, that’s just me. Choose a focus and stick with it. The guy doesn’t even live in Whistler, he lives here in Surrey.

Anyhow, back to the real story: Bhandari has had issues in the past with the Insurance Council of BC in 2002 when he was barred from as an insurance agent for a period of time, and then subsequently was suspended from being a mortgage broker because at the time he appeared to be a person of unsuitable character.

The original documents regarding these incidents are here:

 and here, on page 3 :

This story is a must read if you live in either of these cities.Know who your candidates are, and what they stand for. The Insurance council found that Bhandari had acted only for personal gain and not in the interests of his clients, and although he did receive his licence back in 2005, he was not allowed to work without supervision.

Bhandari seems to be an highly educated guy, as can be seen on this resume listed on Century 21’s website. Masters of this, masters of that, “member of technology and ethics” ( no clue where or what this is)… the list goes on and on. Personally, after reading the province article, I’d be checking everything out about this candidate’s qualifications and background.

It leads me to this question. Should a background check be mandatory upon declaring an intention to run for public office?  Might not be a bad idea considering the number of politicians found to be involved in questionable activities and those with questionable backgrounds. Many government workers have to submit to both RCMP criminal record checks and background checks- so why do we demand less from those at the highest levels trusted with the care of our cities and tax dollars? 

Time for a poll.

2 thoughts on “Surrey council/ Whistler mayor candidate has a questionable past

  1. Hi Laila,

    thanks for the story, i did read this in the Province on Sunday, and he was(Jagmohan Bhandari) in Province i think last Wednesday too, where he said that he went to UBC and all the other Univercities names that he could remember, i know the guy for 10 years and he is nothing but a big fat liar, he went to non of those univercities, His realestate licence is done through UBC and i think he did some sort of bank teller course through some other college, please do check his education history, he did Masters of some thing from india and that’s all he has done nothing else, sorry i don’t want to give my name out because he might be associated with the wrong crowd because his house was shot at last year, he is not the right person that any one should be voting for.


  2. Feel free to contact me via my contact page, which is anonymous. I can’t seem to find anything about his house being shot at in the news.


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