SNC Lavalin lobbyist met with BC MLA’s last year…just as trials were underway back east.

**updated below**   Long time readers know well my interest in public projects in BC, and the many complaints made by insiders in the industry about ‘ irregular bidding practices’ on many projects. I’ve followed SNC Lavalin through several projects with interest and detailed how SNC employees have gone onto work in the BC government,Continue reading SNC Lavalin lobbyist met with BC MLA’s last year…just as trials were underway back east.

Repost: “Whistleblowers and Good Governance”- a talk by the Hon. David Kilgour

In light of the health firings tragic & despicable scandal, the Plecas report allegations and the weekends W5 report, I thought it would be timely to revisit an older post that still resonates. Not only does it resonate, it clearly establishes a pattern that is still often repeated within public service across Canada when individualsContinue reading Repost: “Whistleblowers and Good Governance”- a talk by the Hon. David Kilgour

Justice is lost when leaders refuse to stand up for what’s right.

94 comments,502 Facebook shares and thousands of visitors to the last blog post show that the interest in a public inquiry is there: The comments alone hit home with some highly knowledgeable and savvy readers sharing their relevent knowledge. There is a strong desire among many in law enforcement and justice to see thisContinue reading Justice is lost when leaders refuse to stand up for what’s right.

Throwback Thursday: A bit of history on BC legislature accounting practices…or lack thereof

If you haven’t followed the latest #bcpoli scandal, there is quite a story brewing in Victoria….and I thought it might be a good time to look back at how the legislature has been operating for nearly a decade, and what they have done to fix it.  This week, the story broke that two top BCContinue reading Throwback Thursday: A bit of history on BC legislature accounting practices…or lack thereof