BC Disaster shows we aren’t all ‘in it together’, we aren’t ready & we can’t rely on governments to save us: Why you need to assess your own emergency preparedness today.

Its been an unbelievable few days here in B.C., and more than anything I hope all of you who follow here are safe and dry. Like many,I am stunned by the photos of the damage, and saddened at the loss and destruction to peoples homes and livelihoods. It’s been a tremendously difficult 2 years forContinue reading BC Disaster shows we aren’t all ‘in it together’, we aren’t ready & we can’t rely on governments to save us: Why you need to assess your own emergency preparedness today.

“In Nature there is neither rewards or punishments, there are only consequences.” ~Robert Green Ingersoll

I remember the morning distinctly…waking from a dead sleep on the futon downstairs in the basement, my dog at my side, already sweating….to a wide eyed panic that it was morning already and I was probably too late to water my crops before the sun was too unbearable to be outside. It was day 2Continue reading “In Nature there is neither rewards or punishments, there are only consequences.” ~Robert Green Ingersoll

Horgans FOI omnibus style bill that would remove the premiers office from scrutiny,reveals the Emperor has no clothes

Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same, especially when it comes to how leaders respond to power. While many had high hopes for Horgan, his performance yesterday in the legislature and with media, seemed to finally be the tipping point for reporters. First, the response to a BC Liberal member askingContinue reading Horgans FOI omnibus style bill that would remove the premiers office from scrutiny,reveals the Emperor has no clothes

The more things change, the more they stay the same: BC NDP government approves continuation of Site C – BC’s biggest boondoggle – for the second time.

If you had told me years ago that one day I would be sitting down to write about the second time Horgan made the worst decision of his career, I would have shook my head and chuckled. And I would have likely said: “No, he’s a smart man, he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.”Continue reading The more things change, the more they stay the same: BC NDP government approves continuation of Site C – BC’s biggest boondoggle – for the second time.