If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone in the city hear? * UPDATED April 3/2015

* Update April 3rd,2015 I received a reply from Jess Dhillon, head of Acquisitions & Development at Redekop Development  Corp and I followed up with a phone call where we talked more in depth. This is his response: “Hi Laila, Regarding your comments, in response to neighborhood complaints, we received a notice from the CityContinue reading If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone in the city hear? * UPDATED April 3/2015

Countdown to Surrey Votes 2014: “The only people truly bound by campaign promises are the voters who believe them.” ― Christopher Hitchens

I admit it, I’m more than a bit cynical when it comes to elections in general. Why? Because while countries overseas will riot,march by thousands in the streets and overthrow governments simply to have a free election and exercise the right to a free vote, here in Canada many can’t even be bothered to makeContinue reading Countdown to Surrey Votes 2014: “The only people truly bound by campaign promises are the voters who believe them.” ― Christopher Hitchens

Update: The Little Pop Up Soup Kitchen…that couldn’t

An update to the story I posted yesterday that warmed everyone’s hearts is developing. In speaking with Erin Schulte just now, she said a member of the group received a phone call from Fraser Health this morning to contact them. Erin did call back and spoke with a Fraser Health Inspector, Nimret Rai, who saidContinue reading Update: The Little Pop Up Soup Kitchen…that couldn’t

Life on 135A street, or, The little Pop-up Soup Kitchen that could

“Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation. Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action!” Desmond Tutu The story last week that bylaw officers from the city of Surrey had told aContinue reading Life on 135A street, or, The little Pop-up Soup Kitchen that could