Time for Minister Rich Coleman to step down – calls to Surrey Councillors absolute political interference in process.

There is more to come on Coleman and the Gateway story – it’s huge and is still developing on several angles, but Alex Browne of the Peace Arch News scooped a hint of it with this story just out: “BC Liberal MLA Gordon Hogg says he is “surprised” and “disappointed” to learn that B.C.’s minister responsible for gaming made personalContinue reading Time for Minister Rich Coleman to step down – calls to Surrey Councillors absolute political interference in process.

The Macquarie Connection

 **** Updated January 12th,2011 While not evident in researching this post, it has been brought to my attention that Macquaries interest in the Casino was reduced in a debt reduction transaction that took place in August of last year, which received very little press. The majority ownership now belongs to Catalyst Capital, a toronto based investment firm, which wasContinue reading The Macquarie Connection