City staff recommend third reading be granted to draft Official Community Plan Monday March 31st as development continues at a breakneck pace.

City staff have now completed the corporate report Surrey council asked for following the recent public hearing of the Official Community plan (referred to as the OCP) , and are recommending that council grant third reading. While city staff acknowledged merit to many of the speakers comments and suggestions at the public hearing, regarding concerns onContinue reading City staff recommend third reading be granted to draft Official Community Plan Monday March 31st as development continues at a breakneck pace.

First steps to permanent slots approved by Surrey council Monday evening. **update at the bottom of this post

  Her name, for the purposes of this post, is Tina. She keeps working the slot machine, impatiently, with an intensity that seems angry. Furrowed brows, dirty blonde hair pulled back in a bun, but wisps keep falling out that she pushes back behind her ear. Her clothes are clean, but clearly have seen betterContinue reading First steps to permanent slots approved by Surrey council Monday evening. **update at the bottom of this post

“Brightening deadly road wasted effort” ~ Michael Booth, Surrey Now.

While two weeks of spring break is taking my attention elsewhere, I’ll be spending less time blogging, and concentrating more on a number of stories needing investigation. The BC Liberals seem to be up to more than a few of their old tricks with the Massey Tunnel replacement issue- I’m working on this story currently –  and of course, SNC Lavalin isContinue reading “Brightening deadly road wasted effort” ~ Michael Booth, Surrey Now.