Bait and switch toll reduction won’t help BC Liberals.

From my new post headlined over at HuffPost BC : “The Port Mann Bridge project has been steeped in controversy from its humble beginnings as an economically prudent plan to twin the existing bridge at a cost of $1.5 billion to what we’ve ended up with today: a completely new bridge and highway project totalingContinue reading Bait and switch toll reduction won’t help BC Liberals.

An open letter to Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon

Dear Mr. Falcon, I  am still feeling rather confused this morning after watching your interview with CTV’s St. John Alexander on the 6 o’clock newscast last night. In speaking with St.John about why tolls are absolutely necessary for the construction of the suddenly very expensive Port Mann Bridge construction, you told him it was because youContinue reading An open letter to Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon

Yet another Surrey murder, the Premiers deficit threat and why I support FSA tests.

Yet another shooting death in Surrey hit the news this morning. At least it was in Whalley and not down the street from me, but I’m sure that is of no comfort to the neighbours who lived in the area of the crime.  Watt’s up these days  in Surrey ? Seems to beContinue reading Yet another Surrey murder, the Premiers deficit threat and why I support FSA tests.