3 thoughts on “On everyone’s Christmas wish list

  1. Christmas…….
    The holiday most women love ….and most men loathe.

    And as a man, may I explain my reasons why I dont “enjoy” the holidays 🙂

    Twas the month before Christmas and all through the land,
    Not a credit card was left untouched when cash fled the hand.
    Friends and coworkers, booking their flights.
    Not knowing if snow delays ,
    Would cause them sleepless nights.

    Arriving “home” ,
    Meant sharing a room,
    With long forgotten relatives ,
    That hastened the feeling of doom.

    Uncle ‘Bob” drank too much and babbled his “cheer’
    While aunt “Mabel” lit a cigarette and refilled his beer.
    Obnoxious relatives with no money in sight.
    Didnt care about flight delays
    Or the exorbitant cost of your Flight.

    “How much money do you make?”
    Was the commmon refrain,
    Jet lag and alcohol,
    Didnt lessen the pain.

    I decided to go shopping
    To bolster my cheer,
    After hours of surly service
    I wished for a beer.

    My credit cards’ maxed
    My brain starts to spin,
    I wish for ANY exit….
    I know I cant win.

    So back to the house,
    I tred though the snow
    Longing for a reason
    To exit this “show”.

    Many years later
    It isnt just me,
    People from all over
    Want to be free

    At this time of year,
    People dont love.
    Unless their latest gift
    Is a cashmere glove

    I now enjoy the holidays,
    Without visiting family and friends
    Because Christmas has Stopchecks
    And the ATM machine doesnt do “lends”


    1. Hear Hear!!! I’m with you on that nonconfidence. Totally, and am happy to say it’s never been like that in my house.How did it become so perverted?

      FYI the post promised above was will be posted on my HuffPost blog Monday – the editor help it back so it will get the high traffic of the beginning of the week ; )

      And, I’m working on a tip about the Port Mann Bridge contractor, Kiewit that is pretty darn interesting. And as usual, I will be reposting an annual Christmas memory that I repost every year in hopes of finding my secret santa… or at least thinking him or her.


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