Why Eby must call a public inquiry…and why you & the media must not let this slide

***UPDATED WITH Sandy Garossino’s new piece at the bottom. Must. Read.***

It’s the Friday of a long weekend and while BC liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson embarrassingly tries to deflect attention in the face of the Peter German report, key figure Rich Coleman is nowhere to be found.

Likewise, Susan Anton and Mike DeJong are notably ‘busy’, all no doubt praying that this all dies down after Canada Day festivities and summer vacations start.

Bolstering their hopes is the apparent hesitance of Eby to call for a public inquiry-the language of both German and Eby in the presser spoke of  ‘looking forward’…no mention of inquiry or commission.

That didn’t sit well with me and clearly Sandy Garossino feels the same way.

Her bold tweet thread spells out why Eby – and all of you – must not let this go. Her points are succinct,pointed and worthy of sharing far and wide.


Yes. This. All of it and more.

A friend in law remarked that there is a good reason so many BC Liberals are saying so little right now. Should an inquiry be called,everything they say has the potential to be used down the road.

The extent of the corruption revealed by the Charbonneau Commission was stunning – here is a look at highlights from key witnesses: http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/montreals-charbonneau-commission-what-the-witnesses-said-and-where-they-are-now

Like an old dam weakened by many small cracks, once the admissions started leaking nothing could hold back the flood.

And BC has the distinct advantage of learning key lessons from Charbonneau to ensure a tight,effective mandate.  https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/11/26/charbonneau-commission-holds-lesson-for-other-public-inquiries-hbert.html

” Ultimately, the Charbonneau’s commission best accomplished its mission on the front of public awareness. Its hearings vividly illustrated the toll that corruption and collusion have taken on the province’s public services. And they did demonstrate that the problem was systemic. “

” …the problem was systematic…”

Just. Like. BC.

David Eby already knows what needs to be done. He hosted a session on the lessons from Charbonneau last year.


Now he just has to do it.


***An earlier thread by Sandy passed on is a must follow as well:




*Sandy Garossino isn’t ready to make nice: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2018/06/30/opinion/stop-whitewashing-bloodstains-bcs-dirty-money-laundromat



Read the precurser to this post, here: https://lailayuile.com/2018/06/27/money-and-corruption-are-ruining-the-land-2/

* Enjoy the long weekend and Happy Canada Day!

42 thoughts on “Why Eby must call a public inquiry…and why you & the media must not let this slide

  1. In response to your posts I went looking on the internet for ‘Ed Rampone, Rich Coleman’ and came up with a result: Sean Holman Public Eye Online: The Sharking Truth June 14, 2010



    And here what appears to the an index from Public Eye Online:

    “Blog search
    Entries from Public Eye Online tagged with ‘integrated illegal gaming enforcement team’ ”



    1. Thanks for these very complete and telling archives. Gosh there is a hundred reasons alone on Coleman.

      Still wondering why he removed his RCMP past from his bio. Weird.


    1. What an excellent piece. There has been some really excellent coverage on this. Thanks for sharing.

      FYI, someone tried to log into my blog while I was in bed this morning. Thankfully I was notified. With all this excellent coverage – Sean Holmans archives are a treasure trove – not sure why someone would be so concerned over these posts.


  2. Excellent article Laila. You haven’t lost your touch, and hopefully, this means that you are back. I think that the Liberals will be toast for at least a couple of elections to come. At least we can hope for that anyway.


    1. Back on this issue Gary. For now. For good reason.

      Integrity BC is a must follow on their twitter and facebook page. For reasons like this among a thousand others.

      And the direct link to what he posted, courtesy again of Sean Holman. https://thetyee.ca/News/2008/11/27/Gambling/print.html


  3. Coleman loses gaming and liquor files
    March 14, 2011


    Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman has been responsible for the government’s gambling and booze files for most of his cabinet career. But, under the new Clark administration, he’s been shuffled to head up the ministry of energy and mines. Speaking with Public Eye, Mr. Coleman said he felt “fine” about losing those files, describing them as being a “bit like whack-a-moles at the PNE. One things goes down, another thing pops up.” As such, he said, “It’s probably time someone else had that portfolio” – specifically Shirley Bond, the province’s new solicitor general.

    The term “Whac-a-mole” (or “Whack-a-mole”) is used colloquially to denote
    a repetitious and futile task: each time an adversary is “whacked”, it only pops up again somewhere else.


      1. Yes. I have been trying with no success in my spare time to pull up an article or colum questioning why the gaming file followed Coleman through ministries. If anyone can track that through his tenure, it would be compelling if accurate.


    1. Merv Adey posted this link via Sandy Garossino on one of your previous articles about Coleman:

      Previous to that:

      Someone very badly wanted Mr. Coleman in that role for a long time and two BC Liberal Premiers withstood much political pressure to keep him there.

      An inquiry would explore why.


  4. BC Legislative Library listing:

    Rich Coleman (under Christy Clark) 2011 – 2017 http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/reference/christyclarkcabinet.pdf

    Coleman, Rich (under Gordon Campbell) 2001 – 2011 http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/reference/campbell_cabinet.pdf

    BC Political Facts

    British Columbia Cabinets (Executive Councils):


    One minor detail on the need for Rich Coleman to shred everything, take no notes:

    Deputy Premier Rich Coleman


    1. Sandy Garossino has a fine piece up.
      A public inquiry is the right thing to do-period. She hits hard on why.https://www.nationalobserver.com/2018/06/30/opinion/stop-whitewashing-bloodstains-bcs-dirty-money-laundromat

      Politically speaking, it would tide the ndp through the criticism of the ‘school’ tax and anything else.

      Coleman has appeared and takes affront to all the criticism. What an arrogant idiot. http://theprovince.com/news/bc-politics/mike-smyth-i-am-not-soft-on-crime-coleman-insists-after-damning-casino-report/amp?__twitter_impression=true


  5. Here is the problem Eby faces if he calls an inquires into money laundering at BC Casinos as phase 2 of the money laundering “Vancouver Model” is investing laundered money into BC real estate.

    Real estate in Vancouver is finite and to increase the supply of housing for money launderers to further cleanse their filthy lucre is to densify. In simple terms, property must be rezoned to allow multi story high rises to create more units for sale per acre of land.

    The big driver to densify properties in Vancouver is building more SkyTrain light-metro as “the only reason to build SkyTrain was for land use purposes”. Translation, transit is built not to move people, but to move property.

    Now, the big supporters of the Broadway subway is Vision Vancouver and Gregor Robertson, which party and the mayor have intimate connections with land developers and land speculators, as well with some dubious Chinese types.

    Premier Horgan’s chief advisor is Geoff Meggs, a big supporter of SkyTrain and the Broadway subway and current plans to densify properties on Broadway, to allow high-rise condos!

    Now a memo on the Broadway subway. Current peak hour traffic flows along Broadway are under 4,000 pphpd and the North American standard for a subway is having traffic flows in excess of 15,000 pphpd. Thus, if built, the Broadway subway will be grossly underused compared to the massive investment of the 5.5 km line. Operating costs for the subway will add a further $40 million annually to Translink’s budget.

    Former Translink Planner, noted to be the best in his field, Tamin Radd was fired from TransLink at the behest of Vision Vancouver and mayor Robertson because he pointed to these numbers pertaining to the proposed subway and claiming there wasn’t the ridership necessary to build the thing.

    Here is the problem Eby faces: The BC Casino money laundering scandal may well reachch into the real estate field and be greatly embarrassing to both Vision Vancouver and Premier Horgan.

    In short a criminal inquiry into the Casino Money laundering affair will most likely snare Vision Vancouver and notably Geoff Meggs, the Premier’s advisor and the premier himself.


      1. Not back forever. But cant NOT do what I can to ensure what I know is desperately needed and I have focused on for a decade.http://www.pacificfreepress.com/2012/06/20/opinion/graft-and-corruption-from-the-canadian-columbia.html

        It permeates everything. That was from 2012 and unrelated to gaming whatsoever. I have never had the time to sit and make a huge venn diagram on a wall showing connections but it would be shocking if we did.Money going into projects is unregulated too,on many levels. Think about that.

        Back to the current money laundering report. Former police officer and investigator Lorimer Shenher has a stark set of compelling questions posted on twitter someone sent onto me to post. I can access the link without a twitter account so you can too. https://mobile.twitter.com/ShenherLorimer/status/1013252616380284928


  6. In terms of fact finding, there is absolutely nothing in the German report that should not have been well known by the Attorneys General, Solicitors General, Finance Ministers, their deputies, and their subordinates. The report provides much information to the layperson citizenry, but there is nothing there that should surprise or inform government leadership responsible for gaming in this province. Walk through the report and look at the Part headers and subject matter. Nothing there that should surprise them.

    What is clear is that there was no leadership. No leadership to plan, organize and direct regulation of the industry to effectively prevent criminality or associated harmful social consequences that is. But was that due to sheer incompetence? Or by design?

    Could it be that there was in fact very effective leadership? But toward a different goal? A goal that wasn’t in the public interest?

    A public inquiry would tell us.


    1. Agreed. Integrity BC is tweeting nonstop examples of donations etc linked to casino co’s. A good follow on twitter or facebook.

      Its funny how Coleman finds affront and says the ndp are making this political.

      It IS political. He was minister through much if it. Its amazing what comes out of his mouth.


  7. This scandal stinks to high heaven. I don’t remember Rich Coleman hiding from the press ever or keeping his mouth shut during a political storm. He must be in this up to his neck! Have missed your blog Laila. Good to read you again!


  8. a scandal is the timber west rezoning,it so happens Colemans brother was in management this deal stinks made lots dough for this u.s. company;;;;


  9. Hello, Laila,

    Welcome back. Hopefully you are well rested and primed for a long fight against an inertia that took decades to form and ossify.

    In any case it can only help that you are digging into the CasinoGate\RealEstate\OrganizedCrime BC political schlepper colony scandal that highlights the dysfunctional essence of contemporary Politics.

    Awkward for the NDP though, isn’t it? Especially for partisan loyalists already disabused by Site C, BC Hydro, ICBC, LNG (or Bust), and a parade of other policy failures and “did we really say that?” blowback following a flood of political lies..

    Was the unfolding crime saga all the Libs fault? Probably. But what more reason is required for the NDP to seize the high ground and crack down hard once and for all? Otherwise the scandal shifts to become the party in power’s fault when when nothing useful is the response.

    At the epicentre now is poor forever-timid Minister Eby. In one moment he thunders righteously that to their eternal shame the feds recently dropped the ball on a huge BC drug and money laundering bust. A lapse in judgement that could never happen if someone like our AG took command. Right?

    Still later the minister maintains\pretends there’s still a chance, a faint hope, of him doing more than getting out of bed to express supreme confidence in ICBC, BC Hydro, Site C, or whatever his boss says requires his appearance to bolster the Image Desired.

    Mr Eby’s attitude? To me it’s classic. It is Alfred E Newman’s, “What? Me Worry?” dodge alongside the now politically ubiquitous assertion, “We take this [insert scandal] Very Seriously.”

    After expressions of astounding managerial distraction and indifference to all but COST the worst we might imagine is happening. In effect if not fact, the NDP government under this AG has conceded 20 years of organized crime penetration, operation, expansion and mayhem and granted the entire scandal a blanket amnesty – after the fact.

    If the full spectrum is examined as expected it will be viewed as a matter of pedagogic interest. No finding of fault allowed. No imposition of RICO statutes, no attempt to hit criminals here hard.

    Curious, no? How could complaining about one failed fed investigation be worse than doing nothing about decades of crime?

    Could suggesting that if (at some future date) Doing Nothing still hasn’t worked then, maybe, perhaps, possibly, an icky expensive Public Inquiry might be considered and re-inspire public confidence? How is not apparent.

    HINT: When has Doing Nothing ever improved anything?

    A name missing from too many sites: Sam Cooper.

    Why do many think the feds and provincial authorities knew there was a “Vancouver Model” in 1994? Until the province demanded Omerta from its employees many underlings told Sam what they knew. As did Mr Pinnock, Mr Cohodes [who advised Mr Eby and was ignored] and various others.

    What happened next? Barriers suddenly appeared to prevent insiders from talking to reporters. In short thwarting the task of making public what should be NEWS and obscuring grounds for investigations, arrests, fines, imprisonments and firings..

    Like many who read this site I rarely jump to offsite links. That said for those who truly are interested it’s obvious that what Sam Cooper and others have dared to publish should be required reading across BC.

    Some examples…







      1. From a post by Dermod.

        “Amusing from a party that last week paid so much attention to a CTV news report by Jon Woodward that they couldn’t even get the facts straight in the party tweet on the news report.

        Another good reason for a public inquiry. It will help the NDP get the specific instances of money laundering tied to the right casino. It didn’t all happen at River Rock, despite the NDP’s insistence.”


        And at the bottom of that link?

        …” There’s still so much we don’t know — and what British Columbians deserve to know.

        John Horgan and the BC NDP are committed to ending dirty money and holding people accountable. If you’re with us, too, please add your name.”

        And if you click the link, you get to give the party….not the government which is an important difference to point out…your name, email address, phone number and postal code.

        Data mining for contact lists in any coming election. Postal code tells them what riding you are in. I guarantee you you will get a call to donate shortly.

        This is something they used to bitch at the libs for doing, now party supporters call it outreach.

        We dont need fancy memes Heather Libby,and you wouldn’t have to worry about finding your supporters if your boss just called a public inquiry. Your reports are tainted.


        1. Sign this instead

          And better yet, CALL your ndp mla’s office asking for a response from your mla. Those calls are logged and kept track of. Petitions are often presented then just sit on a shelf somewhere in the dark, I hate to say-that came to me from an ndp mla who said calling is far better.

          And after you call your mla, call the premiers office and do the same.

          Here is their contact info. Tell them I asked you to call to demand a public inquiry. 😉



    1. Nice to see you. 🙂 Great commentary. Eby does not wear this look well particularly having seen his intensity with BC Civil Liberties.


  10. I’m really glad to see Mike de Jong and Susan Anton’s names mentioned at the top of your story, because those two must be focused on and held to account just as much as Coleman is getting what he deserves so far. A Corruption style inquiry with a focus on those big three is a must. But anyways good on you Laila and others who tighten the beam on de Jong and Anton more often. These people cannot get away with their part in allowing and enabling so much damage to take place against British Columbian’s especially from a former Justice Minister which was Anton’s position during much of this. That really blows my mind. Justice and protection for the people, my ass.


  11. I wonder if a Recall against Horgan and Eby would be an exercise in futility or not, if they show themselves to be a timid twosome by not launching an inquiry. Maybe their constituents would feel so betrayed that they would kick their butts with the Boot of Shame. Is Horgan and Eby just not getting the picture and facts that the vast majority are seething with anger and chomping at the bit for justice against the willfully blind and complicitly corrupt whom helped let loose the wrecking ball upon so many British Columbian’s and families, and who now, sit across the House floor from them in opposition. It’s too bad, because Eby kind of reminded me of the tough United States AG Robert Mueller at first, but now all i see so far of Eby is a pussycat figurehead. Hopefully i will convinced to have a change of thought.


  12. For kennylad who writes

    1/ “I’m really glad to see Mike de Jong and Susan Anton’s names mentioned at the top of your story, because those two must be focused on and held to account…”

    Agreed. Me too. Held to account is vital. But without being forced to testify under oath in a Public Inquiry how will any of BC’s most dangerous criminals, let alone our witless and paralyzed ranks of politicians, ever face the music?

    2/ “Is Horgan and Eby just not getting the picture and facts…”

    You beleive that? Like Energy Minister, Michelle Mungall, they’re breathlessly waiting for the Truth to be revealed?

    The Tyee has changed to a Pravda-style NDP propaganda organ where Andrew MacLeod quotes Michelle Mungall:

    “The Site C decision was one of the defining moments of the NDP government’s first year. While it pleased some supporters, including the unions whose members would help build and operate the publicly owned project, it was deeply disappointing to others.”

    “A year later, Mungall does not regret the decision.”

    Mr MacLeod summarizes his puff-piece by again quoting the Minister, “A lot of people come around back to me and say, ‘you know, all of my values are being expressed by this government every single day,’ because the things that I care about are actually making lives better for other people. And we’re doing it,” she said.”

    A theme the NDP now rely upon consists of the words, “The [insert minster’s name] has No Regrets after making this difficult and unpopular decision.”

    Since the election multiple resort to ‘The Courage To Ignore Voter Interest’ outrage grows to include the Premier, Mr Eby, Ms Mungall, and in due course whoever else needs to convince voters that their hopes to implement reform and see promises kept are completely irrelevant to [insert minster’s name].

    Why do this? My guess: prior to the next election public Expectations are being trivialized, objections stomped on, and thus, “managed” via propaganda initiatives.

    You used to support the NDP? You were a stalwart, a believer, but now have objections, objective and science-based complaints about NDP policy?

    Following a squeaker of an election even the NDP’s message to its base has changed. You belong to the party? Wake up time: Dissent is forbidden. They are acting as though they possess a massive majority’s consent. As in, ‘We possess majority power now. What we do is our call, not yours. Interfere and you’ll be excommunicated. So shut up.”

    You’ve noticed the change? When not indulging in gloating about making those Tough Decisions and responding with self-applause, party discipline imposes the following clamp – “We’re Not Listening To Anyone Else. We Don’t Have To.”

    What we’re seeing unfold in BC was predicted a century ago. If you studied Poli Sci in the sixties and seventies you probably heard of Michels’, Iron Law of Oligarchy.


    “Iron law of oligarchy, sociological thesis according to which all organizations, including those committed to democratic ideals and practices, will inevitably succumb to rule by an elite few (an oligarchy). The iron law of oligarchy contends that organizational democracy is an oxymoron. Although elite control makes internal democracy unsustainable, it is also said to shape the long-term development of all organizations—including the rhetorically most radical—in a conservative direction.”

    “Michels insisted that the chasm separating elite leaders from rank-and-file members would also steer organizations toward strategic moderation, as key organizational decisions would ultimately be taken more in accordance with leaders’ self-serving priorities of organizational survival and stability than with members’ preferences and demands.”

    “organizational democracy is an oxymoron.”

    Did Mr Michels’ insight help explain how we got to where we are?

    Please advise…

    Here, you’re free to do just that…


    1. Yes, and the people in the end are responsible to keep their democracy thriving and their leaders accountable. If democracy is threatened and the public interest is continually assaulted by corrupt forces, and put into decline because of a creeping divide between the governing powers and the people, then by the peoples desperation to survive , all rules become blurred.


  13. As far as i figure so far, the only ammo left for Horgan and the NDP’s survival, is to hold an inquiry. They must see the wall and the writing upon it, and what the majority demands. Not wants, but demands. Or do they just see the wall. The other option for governance is to awful to contemplate. Not good.


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