50 shades of wrong round deux: Clark government again shows why they’ve lost moral authority to govern

There are few things in politics that have left as big of an impression on me personally, as the continuing disgrace of the health firings scandal. To this day, it pains me to think of what Rod MacIsaac must have gone through leading to his tragic suicide. It’s not hard to believe this government wouldContinue reading 50 shades of wrong round deux: Clark government again shows why they’ve lost moral authority to govern

“It’s never too late to reverse a mistake that was made.” ~ Premier Christy Clark, December 16th, 2015

 It was under stunning clear skies and a view of fresh snow on the North Shore Mountains Clark made the statement that most British Columbians welcome hearing. Of course, it’s in reference to the Conservatives terribly shortsighted and frankly dangerous decision to close the Kits Coast Guard Base,which was re-opened this morning. And good onContinue reading “It’s never too late to reverse a mistake that was made.” ~ Premier Christy Clark, December 16th, 2015

50 shades of wrong: Why the BC Liberal government has lost all moral authority to govern #ChristyResign

I was watching Question Period earlier today as the opposition was asking hard questions of Amrik Virk – again. ‘How is it possible that in all the years of the health firings investigation, there were no documents created across two ministers and high-level staff?’ Dix wanted to know. Virks responses at first consisted of theContinue reading 50 shades of wrong: Why the BC Liberal government has lost all moral authority to govern #ChristyResign

A government built on lies,obfuscation and obstruction,is nothing to be proud of.

Newer readers often wonder why I feel so strongly the BC Liberals need to go, when I am not a partisan member of any political party. The reason is clear if you read many of the stories on my Best Of page – most of them focus on the many deceptions and blatant lies theContinue reading A government built on lies,obfuscation and obstruction,is nothing to be proud of.