LNG, Lobbyists & policy: Why big money is still a very big problem in BC politics.

Too often government responds to the whispers of lobbyists before the cries of the people. Andrew Cuomo Having been a firm critic of fracking and the pursuit of LNG in BC for many more years than the NDP have been in power, I can still recall the time John Horgan said Christy Clark needed toContinue reading LNG, Lobbyists & policy: Why big money is still a very big problem in BC politics.

A must read from Ben Parfitt on the risk fracking quakes post on Peace River dams…particularly the one with foundation issues

There doesn’t seem to be much peace for the Peace these days…. Residents are still left with safety concerns following the big slide that hit just a short distance down from Site C in 2018…. https://thenarwhal.ca/its-not-right-residents-left-with-safety-concerns-following-2018-landslide-near-site-c-dam/ The gas industry expansion is well underway as the current government tries to greenwash it just like the oldContinue reading A must read from Ben Parfitt on the risk fracking quakes post on Peace River dams…particularly the one with foundation issues

All eyes on Wet’suwet’en

If one believes in serendipity, one would think it was no mistake that this profound writing was first on my screen today on my early morning check ins. Today facebook memories are flooded with images and videos taken a year ago, the first time RCMP breached the peaceful Gidumt’en Checkpoint. https://unistoten.camp/arrests-at-gidumten-checkpoint-rcmp-raid-anticipated-at-unistoten-camp/ After the BCSC grantedContinue reading All eyes on Wet’suwet’en