Doug Ford hires Gordon Campbell to review Ontario finances…😂

Good luck with that Doug…..the irony, it burns!! But hey if I get to post this video someone made….😉   Everything old is new again. Ain’t politics grand? #corruptioninquiryBC ( yes still retired but 2 more posts are needed-one on site c & corruption in BC)

The Billion dollar question with only one right answer.

I was working on some research when I first heard the decision on Site C would come by December 31st, 2017…exactly two years from the day I first started blogging about Site C in earnest. Since then a multitude of opinion editorials, articles and statements have been made by both those opposing and those inContinue reading The Billion dollar question with only one right answer.

If there is any saving grace to Muskrat Falls, let it be the light it shines on Premier Clarks vow to get Site C past the point of no return.

Over the past year of reporting on Site C and looking into other dam projects around the world, Muskrat Falls quickly grabbed my attention earlier this year. In reviewing how the government of Newfoundland/Labrador decided to proceed with the project,the projects path to construction was eerily similar to our BC Liberals governments path to ‘getContinue reading If there is any saving grace to Muskrat Falls, let it be the light it shines on Premier Clarks vow to get Site C past the point of no return.

Sea to Sky highway project making money once again…but not for the taxpayers of BC

Call me a geek but the big transportation projects of BC have always been of keen interest to me and I’ve written about many. The Kicking Horse bridge, the South Fraser Perimeter road,Port Mann Bridge and of course, the infamous Sea to Sky highway. With the discussion of road pricing and regional tolling sure toContinue reading Sea to Sky highway project making money once again…but not for the taxpayers of BC