Why an agreement signed in 2013 under Harper, holds the key to why PLA soldiers trained on Canadian soil

I’ve been blogging so long, sometimes even I forget what I have written about, but the current story of Chinese soldiers training on Canadian soil that’s raising eyebrows, didn’t raise mine and was no surprise to my longtime readers either. The link above is subscriber only, and y’all are probably as tight with your moneyContinue reading Why an agreement signed in 2013 under Harper, holds the key to why PLA soldiers trained on Canadian soil

“Deception and privileged secrets are common facets of politics.” – Transparency & accountability on Site C lost at both provincial & federal levels.

There’s a common thread among many of the biggest and best stories I’ve covered here: lack of government accountability and transparency.  I recall contacting a BC government ministries media contact for a comment on a story I was doing once, only to get a clear denial back refuting everything. I sent him the internal documentsContinue reading “Deception and privileged secrets are common facets of politics.” – Transparency & accountability on Site C lost at both provincial & federal levels.

The litmus test for Real Change: Where is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on #SiteC ?

The following public letter was issued November 19th, 2015. It is a plea for help, but it is also a factual accounting of the many failures of process the decisions for approving Site C has encountered. To date, there has been no response or stance taken by either Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the newContinue reading The litmus test for Real Change: Where is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on #SiteC ?

Look what happens when Canadians unite for a single purpose. Remember this.

I’m feeling a little giddy this morning and I’ll be honest, I feel a bit guilty about that. So many of my friends who are NDP party members are devastated today, and understandably so. The federal party was decimated last night in the Liberal sweep across Canada and in that unstoppable tide, several great NDPContinue reading Look what happens when Canadians unite for a single purpose. Remember this.