“It’s never too late to reverse a mistake that was made.” ~ Premier Christy Clark, December 16th, 2015

 It was under stunning clear skies and a view of fresh snow on the North Shore Mountains Clark made the statement that most British Columbians welcome hearing. Of course, it’s in reference to the Conservatives terribly shortsighted and frankly dangerous decision to close the Kits Coast Guard Base,which was re-opened this morning. And good onContinue reading “It’s never too late to reverse a mistake that was made.” ~ Premier Christy Clark, December 16th, 2015

This weeks column for 24Hours Vancouver: BC keeps Richmond in the dark on Massey

With all the pet projects, contentious developments and questionable spending happening in cities across Metro Vancouver, it’s a rare day I find myself feeling sympathetic for local mayors and councils. However, when it comes to how the provincial and federal governments seemingly steamroll local governments with their own projects and, at times, leave them outContinue reading This weeks column for 24Hours Vancouver: BC keeps Richmond in the dark on Massey

“No secrecy, no business.” ~Toba Beta

Fraser Surrey Docks believes in expansion Surrey Docks (FSD) has listened carefully to community concerns and has enhanced an already safe project by eliminating the stockpiling of coal, re-spraying the coal on the trains before they cross the border into Canada, and adding a suppression and binding agent to the coal on the barges beforeContinue reading “No secrecy, no business.” ~Toba Beta