“Jag” Bhandari definitely has a ‘smiley’ view on politics.

I don’t even know what to say about this political candidates website(s), because frankly, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. This is THE site he has emblazoned on the election signs all over the city. So, I assumed one could find out more about what he plans to do for Surrey (or Whistler).


Jagmohan Bhandari is running a dual campaign for Surrey city council and mayor of Whistler. I blogged recently about reports detailing his checkered past as an insurance and mortgage broker: https://lailayuile.wordpress.com/2008/10/26/surrey-council-whistler-mayor-candidate-has-a-questionable-past/

I’m not sure what his election platform is, but here’s an excerpt from his site:

“There is a dire need of right kind of leadership in the world to bring peace and promote communal harmony. To achieve this goal, we can utilize ever-changing technology for our benefit. The most important need is to educate our parents and grandparents with the help of technology, so they can be well connected with their siblings.”

Hmm. ok, sounds…interesting, but why is educating our parents and grandparents –  in any way – “the most important need ,as a city councillor? Or a Mayor of a resort community? I thought the most important needs we currently face as a community was finding effective solutions for crime and social issues like addiction, prostitution, and affordable housing for homeless individuals – but hey, that’s just me.

He goes on:

“The history is a witness that any movement always starts from one and then it spreads like a wild fire to bring a positive change in the lives of everyone. This kind of history making movement always starts from one city to another city, one province to another province and it quickly engulfs the whole world. The concept of One Vision One World implies that there is no room for any kind of violence as well as for vandalism, no room for drugs and any type of discrimination, zero toleration for corruption and pollution and above all there is no room for long lineups for medical emergency as well as for heavy traffics. An average world citizen enjoy happy life while living together, working together, dancing together and above all embracing one another’s faith with a smile on their face.”

Well, it all sounds warm and fuzzy, but no where on this site does he ever mention definative plans of action for either the city of Surrey, or Whistler. A bit of talk about no tolerance for crime,etc, but nothing on how he actually plans to hansle these issues head on.

No action. No solutions. Nothing, nada, zip.

But, take heart voters, because after reading further, it appears that Jag  does have the answer – and here it is…..

” Do you know that in one day there are 86,400 seconds and a normal world citizen sleeps at least 28,800 seconds (8 hrs) a day. It means that we have an opportunity to smile at least 57,600 seconds in a day, so we should smile and smile and smile because smile is contagious.

 Why not we smile together, dance together, bring the whole world together while holding one another’s hands.”

Jag Bhandari, changing the world one happy smiley dance at a time!!

( just because I’m always curious, I cross referenced the address on this election website, and it brought up another similar site http://jbonfire.com/Home_Page.php, which seems to be targeted at Americans, since it carries the stars and stripes of the USA. Interesting. Imagine us in a big happy circle dance with our Yankee neighbours….)

(No insult intended to my faithful American fans, especially those in Texas…lol)

4 thoughts on ““Jag” Bhandari definitely has a ‘smiley’ view on politics.

  1. Yes, well, I’m sure it would make for entertaining council meetings if nothing else.

    I am curious though, if all this happy smiley handholding is done in a costume of some kind, or do you suppose a three piece suit will suffice? Must we revolve in a circle , or is stationary dancing acceptable ? Are the hookers allowed to join in, and the dial -a -dope dealers ? Maybe this is why the dealers around here look so happy ? ! ?


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