What Would You Think If I Told you that your Carbon taxing,allegedly enviro-friendly, eco savior premier wanted to let oil tankers travel up and down the Beautiful BC Coastline – all to transport oil from Canada\’s biggest embaressment, the Alberta Tar sands?

There is one thing I have such a big problem with, and that is hypocrisy. You know what I mean, the one that stands there and preaches one thing and then does another when you aren’t looking. A la John van Dongan and his need for speed.

But our good old Premier is right up there too. You all know and have heard his spiel about saving the enviroment, global worming and climate change – thats why we have the carbon tax, right?

So why then, would someone who claims to want to keep BC strong, someone who talks about how BC is the most beautiful place on earth want to jeaopordize it all and let some oil supertankers go up and along our coastlines most fragile ecosystems to northern BC? Why would he do that?

I’ll let you decide.

To be honest, I’ll come right out and admit I was a bit slow to this information, but now that I have it, I am forever grateful to the individual who sent it to me. As I hope you will be after seeing this too. And let me assure you, this is no joke- A quick google search brings up a wealth of information that will chill you to the bone. This video is both hauntingly beautiful and scary at the same time.

You , Premier Campbell, are a hypocrite of the worst kind.


And while you are here, may I suggest you head over to www.bctrialofbasi-virk.blogspot.com, for her riveting look at Gordon Campbell and his staffer, Lara Dauphinee ? ……. and make sure to read the comments below the post as well.

9 thoughts on “What Would You Think If I Told you that your Carbon taxing,allegedly enviro-friendly, eco savior premier wanted to let oil tankers travel up and down the Beautiful BC Coastline – all to transport oil from Canada\’s biggest embaressment, the Alberta Tar sands?

  1. Laila,

    I just got my new edition of the OED (Oxford Engilsh(Unabridged) Dictionary – the authority) and there next to the definition of “hypocrisy” as a graphic illustration is Gordon Campbell’s Mugshot postcard from Maui to the citizens of BC! Those Brits, carrying on the tradition of Samuel Johnson, eh?

    Ok, not really, but it certainly makes sense, don’t it?


  2. I should have done this the first time but:

    “So why then, would someone who claims to want to keep BC strong, someone who talks about how BC is the most beautiful place on earth want to jeaopordize it all and let some oil supertankers go up and along our coastlines most fragile ecosystems to northern BC? Why would he do that?”

    Because by the time BC becomes the victim of another Exxon Valdez him and the “lady with the beautiful name” will be too busy enjoying themselves drinking mai-tais on the beach in Maui and flipping a coin (stolen from us) to decide who is the least impaired to try and avoid the cops to get to the pad!

    BTW, no salmon will be hurt by this spill that aren’t imported, farm raised Atlantic salmon, anyway, thanks to Gordo’s forward thinking environmental policies!

    To Gordon Campbell someplace with no winter, and where impaired driving isn’t a criminal offense is really the “bestest place on earth.”


  3. In WWII millions of tons of oil went into the sea courtesy of the submarines. What happened to all of that goo?


    1. What does that have to do with out premier wanting to trot out all the supertankers, Sal ? Would you want to see another Exxon disaster here? Gee, I wonder how the Premier and all his buddies on the Sunshine coast will feel when the beaches he loves to stroll are all covered with crude and his little retreat isn’t so much of a retreat anymore.

      This is the problem that I have with this premier. He picks and chooses what to save and what to plow over, dig up, cut down and shoot. He maintains that he wants to protect the environment yet he run roughshod over the wild salmon. He has exercised no control over IPP’s. He says the projects don’t harm fish or the river, or the surrounding environment, and yet hundreds of kilometres of roads, and pipelines and channels must and will be created if not stopped. With big machinery blowing toxic clouds of black exhaust all over everything. Ever seen the bushes on the sides of well traveled logging roads ? Covered in a soot like deposit from the exhaust.

      I have a feeling after last nights arrogant and touchy performance we won’t need to have this discussion, because I noticed at one of the few moments where he wasn’t gesticulating all over the place, that his fingers were actually trembling. This was after the BC Rail question was posed. His respiration was noticeably increased, and I’m not the only one thinking he looked agitated.

      Poor premier. It’s going to be very hard for him to confront the fact it likely will not be his face the world sees when this farce of an Olympics arrives. All this for naught.

      Coulda, shoulda, woulda… but didn’t. The jigs up.



  4. So if I follow Sal’s line of reasoning (to use the term VERY loosely), if it happened in WWII, the big one, as Dobie Gillis’ dad used to say, and the world survived that means it OK! Kind of like setting precedent!

    When do we start dropping nuclear bombs on Japan again (and the southern USA – after all – we’ll have to to get rid of the competition from Toyota), firing up those ovens in Germany, Poland etc. and lets get busy sinking any boats currently sitting in port at Pearl Harbor! Don’t forget to lay siege to Leningrad or St Petersburg, or whatever they call it these days!


  5. Legitimate question. How was that cleaned up and by who? Impact? Unable to learn from the past kooty?

    Only a moron would fashion a “line of reasoning” from a simple question. A prime example of my post on the other thread.

    Something to think about as you board the diesel burning transit bus.


    1. This is what happened to the stuff that was released or spilled: http://science.jrank.org/pages/4848/Oil-Spills-Oil-pollution.html

      However, it looks like we still have a potentially massive enviromental disaster lurking from the subs and tankers that currently remain on the bottom ,steadily eroding away.

      And many more articles are out there.

      So what does this prove Sal? TO me, looking at all the scientific data on the impact it has on local environments only highlights why it is so important to vote for the NDP this election, so that the province of BC continues to adhere to the moratorium.

      You and I are not so different Sal. I look at what each party has done, and will likely do for me, but the difference appears to be that you are all about making money( which is fine) but me? I’m not rich or even well off. I’m really just your typical average suburban mom who’s trying to raise her kids to become good people, trying to make a living and keep food on the table and give them a safe home. AND I’d like to ensure that my kids and grandkids to come have the same birthright I had in enjoying the wilds of this province.

      So far, Premier Gordon Campbell has done nothing to assist me in getting those things done, and I don’t see much of this province left if he stays. Maybe some parks here and there designed for the German and Asian tourism market, but for us? Not much.

      And like he says at least 100 times a week lately: ” I just want to be able to look at my grandchildren in the eye and tell them I did the best I could.”

      Me too, Sal, me too. But right now, my kids already know I’m doing the best I can to save this province for them, and the only way to do that is to make sure he won’t see the inside of that office after May 12th.


  6. Interesting information. So basically of all the crap that was spilled nobody ever cleaned up. No strategy other than plug the leaks ever surfaced (pun intended).

    We are a long way from no using oil and gas from grocery bags to plastic computer keyboards. Its do-able safely if we demand it. Society as we know it is largely based on the car. Changing that as my kid says would take a paradigm shift. (whatever that is) So how would you get the oil around?

    I still do not like the tax and spend ndp. Did you send your 100 bucks back to Gord or did you spend it?

    Good article in the Sun today about the attack ads.


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