It’s amazing what you find on Youtube, courtesy of the BC Liberals.

So, there I was wasting time between periods of the LA Vancouver game, cruising YouTube’s political channels, and I found what appears to be a some kind of public service announcement about why the HST is so good, and why we should have it now. Courtesy of the BC Liberals.

 So, I watched it all, had a good laugh, and then laughed some more when I found the next video in the YouTube lineup…..  ( I wont post it here, but google YouTube Gordon Campbell Voodoo Doll )

I’m sure you will agree with me when I say: What were the Libs thinking when they decided to bring this tax in? What were they thinking when they made this video? And there are more, another one where the same fellow takes us shopping and shows us how great this HST is going to be…. Yeah right.. ” A value-added tax” … sure, keep it coming. The truth is that Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals think you are dumb, stupid, daft. They thought they could wrap up this tax in some creative wordsmithing ( watch for the potentially illegal PRO hst flyers coming to your mailbox soon, at great cost to the taxpayer) and everyone would sit back and believe it.

Fortunately, I haven’t fallen for it, nor have the vast majority of you! Fight HST petition is more powerful than ever, and the libs keep digging themselves deeper… just in time for RECALL IN THE FALL!!!

Question is, how much did this bit of liberal propaganda below cost us? Who knows, but… ”  if you call now, you can a free video of the premier ziplining across Robson Square trying to pretend he was twenty again. All for $19.99…. plus HST. ”

 And on the flip side, (which happens to be my side), is one man’s response to the prospect of life under that Hated Sales Tax. LEARN  THE WORDS – because…..   ” This could happen to you” – THE HST SONG

Enjoy! And if you are a registered voter, and have NOT signed the HST petition yet, find out where and how you can, at the FIGHT HST website.

As well, feel free to check out the photos of one of the first anti HST rallies that took place last September, in Vancouver, which I attended along with at least 5 thousand other people. Click on the button at the top of the home page!

One thought on “It’s amazing what you find on Youtube, courtesy of the BC Liberals.

  1. Morn’n Laila…fine one it is. I’ll be doing a lot of yelling about the Site C Dam…cuz only an IDIOT would flood his garden under however many feet of water, yet expect to find food on his plate. An IDIOT would do that. Let’s hope the voices of ALL the people of BC are heard on this one.

    On a bit of a happier note…I did my first day of anti-hst canvassing today…and managed 200 signatures in 2 hours – In an area so completely liberal as to be disgusting. I seriously wonder how many MLA’s are starting to get a little nervous wondering if their gravy train is going to leave the station without them in November? And if any of them will finally find their feet and voice in the meantime…


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