BC Election 2017 wrap-up : Just Vote please. Just damn well vote.

With the election upon us tomorrow, I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to BC politics, I am still a hopeful cynic. Hopeful because I know change is possible,even if the BC Libs retain power tomorrow.  Cynical because despite that, I also know that a lot  lof what goes on in BCContinue reading BC Election 2017 wrap-up : Just Vote please. Just damn well vote.

BC Election 2017: “Site C dam project has become ‘uneconomic’ and should be suspended…”

“Analysis says project is no longer going to benefit the provincial economy as once expected”  That headline, from the CBC: A new report is calling for the suspension of B.C.’s Site C dam project, saying it’s no longer going to benefit the provincial economy as once expected and that power from the hydroelectric station will likely be exported at lossesContinue reading BC Election 2017: “Site C dam project has become ‘uneconomic’ and should be suspended…”

BC Election 2017: The irony is rich when it comes to Clarks concern over BC’s credit rating.

That face-palm kind of moment when Premier Christy Clark and the BC Liberals use the threat of losing the provinces Triple AAA credit rating to attack the NDP… …just months after the Liberals were warned  twice in a year, that escalating BC Hydro debt threatens the provinces Triple AAA credit rating… ( But hey, theContinue reading BC Election 2017: The irony is rich when it comes to Clarks concern over BC’s credit rating.