SNC Lavalin lobbyist met with BC MLA’s last year…just as trials were underway back east.

**updated below**   Long time readers know well my interest in public projects in BC, and the many complaints made by insiders in the industry about ‘ irregular bidding practices’ on many projects. I’ve followed SNC Lavalin through several projects with interest and detailed how SNC employees have gone onto work in the BC government,Continue reading SNC Lavalin lobbyist met with BC MLA’s last year…just as trials were underway back east.

A government built on lies,obfuscation and obstruction,is nothing to be proud of.

Newer readers often wonder why I feel so strongly the BC Liberals need to go, when I am not a partisan member of any political party. The reason is clear if you read many of the stories on my Best Of page – most of them focus on the many deceptions and blatant lies theContinue reading A government built on lies,obfuscation and obstruction,is nothing to be proud of.

BC Liberals pat themselves on the back over SFPR ‘highway’ opening a year late and $464 million over budget

I’ll give the BC Liberals this: they sure know how to crank out a photo-op and they know how to spin a deuce into silk and make it look like they invented it. Case in point, the grand opening the of much heralded… and criticized… South Fraser Perimeter Road -aka Highway 17 ( the old highway 17Continue reading BC Liberals pat themselves on the back over SFPR ‘highway’ opening a year late and $464 million over budget

Have the BC Liberals provided dictionaries with a new example of attempted bribery or bribery itself ?

bribe (brb) n. 1. Something, such as money or a favor, offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person’s views or conduct. 2. Something serving to influence or persuade. v.  bribed, brib·ing, bribes “The NDP hammered BC Liberal rookie multiculturalism minister Teresa Wat and finance minister MikeContinue reading Have the BC Liberals provided dictionaries with a new example of attempted bribery or bribery itself ?