Reflections on Covid, the BCED back to school plan… and why we have to get it right.

Its 6 am in the morning and after grabbing a coffee, I’m sitting back in bed with my laptop propped on a pillow on my lap. It’s been 6 months since my kids went to school and looking back, opting not to send them in June at half capacity seems suddenly silly considering we are about to go back at full capacity in most areas of BC.

There is a lot on my mind with the arrival of September, school of course is at the top of the list, but there are a few other things on my mind as well. For my own ease of writing, I’m going to simply jump in and headline each one separately, starting with….

How the pandemic laid our social inequities bare

One thing I am thankful for about this entire experience, is how the pandemic stripped away everything and laid bare the state of our social supports in BC, and Canada, within our communities. Politicians everywhere talk a good line about funding education, funding families, but the truth of how things actually work quickly became apparent when schools closed and business closures began

Schools for example, have become de facto social service agencies and teachers are part time social workers. One of the first things every family was asked when called by classroom teachers or supports, was how things were at home: did you have enough food, was anyone out of work, did you need anything? Teachers became front line workers for many, the lifeline to food baskets and help where needed. Many may not be aware that the Vancouver Sun adopt a school initiative, is still a thing many schools depend on for funding things like bus passes for low income kids, breakfast programs to feed hungry kids not getting enough at home, lunch programs….etc. School isn’t just school, its a place that makes the difference for a lot of marginalized children. And to me, that speaks volumes to how ineffective and under funded social and family services continue to be funded in this country. And it speaks volumes to how we have become used to and accepting that this is how things are, not unlike how people on disability were stunned at the 2000 CERB in comparison to their monthly cheques. Nothing says ” You don’t matter” more than seeing millions of Canadians get more than you have been trying to survive on for years.

But now, CERB is coming to an end and people transitioned back to EI or one of the other three categories of benefits listed, all of which still tell me people making decisions in Ottawa have no clue whats going on out here in the real world. There are more than a few issues with this new stream of proposed benefits.

  1. many people were laid off already due to lack of work in the 2 weeks prior to the March 15th date listed for CERB beginning. Those people, despite asking, were not converted to CERB like everyone else who applied after March 15th, and were forced to use all their EI benefits first. While some have been able to go back to work, many have not due to physical distancing cutbacks and business closures, and have had to apply for CERB. Under the transition, some are being told they will not qualify for any of the new benefits as their EI hours entitlement has now been used up. Big fail.
  2. Parents who have kids in school and also live with elderly parents, or parents who don’t trust the shitty back to school plan the government here in BC came up with, who choose to keep their kids home to school online, and not to return to work, will lose their benefits. Choosing not to work, is not the same as having no work available. What kind of choice is this to make in a pandemic? The health of your family or work? Most families still require two incomes and single parents are faced with no choice but to go back to work…even if it isn’t the right choice for their kids.
  3. The government has now set the standard as $2000 a month being the minimum people can live on, which is pretty accurate, at least in BC where everything from rent to food to medical supplies is overpriced anyways, but moreso since this all started. It will be extraordinarily cruel to force those on disability to go back to their old rate. Its just wrong

If this prime minister had any sense, he would do away with the myriad of benefits like GST rebate and Child Tax credit etc, and convert CERB into a UBI – universal basic income. One payment would streamline bureaucratic offices and do away with multiple redundancies. It could be managed through CRA and Service Canada, based on prior year individual tax returns as current benefits are, at least for the next year, in lieu of at least child tax benefits and GST, and EI. Have a reporting system for income, so if you do make funds, then they are deducted.

This would ensure that when the inevitable school closures or quarantines occur and parents are suddenly forced into quarantine for 2 weeks too, that no family falls behind. If kids cannot attend with any kind of symptoms, this is going to be a disastrous winter financially for many families on the edge due to this springs restrictions.. which brings me to…

The BCED back to school plan gong show.

Its my belief that there are a couple of reasons why the push for kids to go back fulltime with rising cases. One is listed above, its very accurate to state that schools are front line agencies for marginalized and vulnerable kids.

The other is that with kids in school, parents will be hopefully back to work and fewer people will be on EI or CERB or the other benefits.

While it is true that in many areas of BC, going back to school may turn out to  be fine where case counts are low and kids were distanced,  in Metro Van and other areas right now its absolutely ridiculous to think of having full capacity in any classroom. But therein lies the issue.

After 6 months of daily reminders that physically distancing is the best way to stop the spread, the government has decided that having full classes grouped into cohorts where no distancing is required…is ok. And Dr. Bonnie Henry keeps insisting there will be distancing in classes at the very same time parents are getting emails stating the exact opposite. Yesterdays presser was an eye opener because for once, reporters seemed to remember they are reporters and that no one is unquestionable. And even though her statements contradict each other, she insists school is ‘different’.

No one was buying it, and this series of tweets from yesterday show reporter and parent/teacher reactions.

This, on top of the very badly done ad featuring Bonnie Henry, in which the governments own response inadvertently supported the very action teachers and parents are asking for: distancing in class, which can only be achieved by smaller classes.

The government has really screwed this back to school plan up. First of all, they changed the parameters of stage 2 over the summer, suprising everyone. The slides below the difference between Junes stage 2, and late July stage 2

The second screw up, was offloading responsibility to enact this plan onto school districts without mandating the requirement for parents across BC to have equitable options for supported online learning and to not lose their space in their neighbourhood school. There is no standard, with some schools allowing parents to keep their space until September 2021 if they choose alternate learning now, and others won’t.  Some are offering a hybrid supported learning to keep kids who have to learn at home engaged in class with classmates, others are not. It’s only serving to create unnecessary resentment and anxiety, in an already challenging time.

Its my view, that government should be mandating reduced class sizes equally across the province as they are mandating the same worksafe and health and safety requirements across the province. This is a big reason why they are quickly losing control of the narrative… and the publics support. Why would child actors have different standards for safety than children in class? Why would you expect youth not to party when the governments own plan says  distancing not required in cohorts of 60 to 120 youth?  These questions lead me to the last segment…

The difference in opinions between epidemiologists and doctors when it comes to Covid and how to handle it.

There is a lot we do know about Covid, and there is a lot we don’t know.

We do know it impacts the elderly.

We know those who are at high risk for complications or more serious cases are those with underlying conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart and lung conditions.

We know that while most kids,teens and youth usually get by with no or few symptoms,  some kids can develop multisystem inflammatory Syndrome- there have been 8 suspected cases in BC and this is now being tracked.

We also know now, that many countries are reporting the bigger and longer term issue with Covid isn’t the actual initial disease incidence itself, but the long term symptoms and damage that thousands of ” recovered” patients are reporting. To me, this is where the precautionary principle comes into play. To me, this is where the big unknowns are, and this article gets to the heart of it ( its a really good read, overall) :

“Over the last few months, however, we’ve heard more and more stories about coronavirus “long-haulers,” those still sick well after that one-month cycle should have come to a close, many of them still quite incapacitated by the illness. I don’t think our collective understanding of the disease has properly incorporated those stories, in part because most of our accounts have been, to this point, anecdotal — with the result that the experiences of those suffering in these extended and often confusing ways appear to the rest of us like eerie outliers, tragic but unusual.

But we are beginning to get more systematic research into the aftereffects of COVID-19, and though that research is early and limited, it suggests the possibility that these post-recovery complications may prove to be a more significant health trauma to the country, and the world, than the pandemic death toll. The numbers from that emerging research are genuinely hair-raising: 87 percent of Italian patients who had “recovered” from the disease after hospitalization reported at least one ongoing symptom of the disease. 78 percent of recovered German patients were found, two months later, to have suffered structural changes to their hearts; the study focused largely on those with asymptomatic or mild cases, and in follow-ups 76 percent exhibited a biomarker associated with cardiac injury following a heart attack. Another study, of 1,200 patients hospitalized across 69 countries, found that 55 percent had long-term damage to their hearts; subtracting those whose hearts may have had preexisting damage, the study found 46 percent of previously healthy patients showed some amount of long-term scarring and dysfunction. Another study of COVID-19 patients found that roughly 90 percent of those with “severe” cases, 75 percent of those with “moderate” cases, and 60 percent of those with “mild” cases were still experiencing at least one symptom after three months, the most common symptom being breathlessness and fatigue. (Though the findings were less alarming than a few of the other studies, with only about 30 percent of severely sick patients showing abnormal chest X-rays, and other acute issues at even lesser prevalence.) Experts now believe that as many as one in three patients could suffer neurological or psychological aftereffects, according to STAT News. “It’s not only an acute problem,” one critical-care physician told STAT. “This is going to be a chronic illness.”

This brings questions forward I have never heard a reporter ask in government pressers.

How many of the thousands reported recovered, are actually healthy?

Are any of these people discharged from hospital still sick at home? Are they able to work?

Are we seeing “recovered” patients with long term symptoms or damage to their organs ? And why, you might be asking, does this matter?

Because  in a followup on SARS patients from 15 years ago, about 20 percent of those infected with the first SARS suffered lasting lung damage, and those left with lung lesions by that disease still had them 15 years later.

20% might not seem like much…unless you are one of those people.

This is what bothers me about how school is being treated differently than everything else.

Teachers are not going to be able to be distanced from students and others and its not true that school is a controlled environment. Its only controlled in the sense of what happens in the building.

Schools don’t control what families do once they leave or who they see. Lots of people don’t believe this virus is a big deal and don’t have family bubbles. Fact. This is quite apparent with recent cases following gatherings of not just youth parties, but older people getting together and family celebrations at banquet halls and homes. So as much as Dr. Henry says these cohorts are all going to be fine, its just not true if no one is distancing because all these kids are bringing along unknowns the schools have no clue about.  And she is incorrect in stating there will be distancing in classrooms right now, no matter how many times she repeats it.

Has she and this government forgotten the Precautionary Principle I wrote about early on?

I definitely think schools need to be open. But they need to be open in a manner that protects staff and kids alike and to minimize cases and subsequent quarantines. And there doesn’t seem to even be agreement between epidemiologists and doctors. Case in point is the slide below in which an epidemiologist presented to an Ontario school board. Parents there are really upset with the full classes as well.

We know distancing works. Dr. Henry has stressed it continuously and I must ask why she now thinks it is ok for the government to issue a plan where it is written distancing is not required in cohorts.

It is good for no child or teen’s mental health who has been forced to bubble away from friends to protect family members, to now be worried about bringing Covid home now that their bubble is gone. And it is gone once school starts, under this BCED plan.


*** updated Sept 3rd, 2020. 

I have to add these. Because this doesn’t make sense. Today graphs were presented show that workplace transmissons were increasing which had not been mentioned before. Between coworkers moreso than worker to customer, which makes sense. 

But this series of screenshots shows how fast this contradictory info was presented. And many missed it at the time but media is catching this now. 

19 thoughts on “Reflections on Covid, the BCED back to school plan… and why we have to get it right.

  1. “One of the challenges is that you just can’t separate schools from the community,” Dr. Raszka said. “When there’s a really high prevalence rate in the community and you open schools, there’s going to be a lot of transmission in schools.”


  2. I see our officials and health officials, including Bonnie Henry now, as contradicting hypocrites. School return as it is now, and stating social distancing isn’t required in cohorts flies in the face of their own safety protocols for the population. The adverstisement was bad messaging. Bonnie Henry should not have been featured in that either,
    Weak leadership and weak media have contributed to this SARS CoV2 spread more than so than should have been. The first SARS was jumped on pretty quick here and and around the world, but this second SARS was not, by slow reacting leadership around the world including our own. This time round, it seems new generation of idiots in Ottawa have caused much more deaths because of their cowardly politically correct leadership. A much worsened degenerate generation of flaky cowardly corporate media, weather by TV, Paper or Radio hosting cowardly Press Gallery have all been enablers of endangerment, by being overly loving with government and their reckless contradictions instead of carrying out their duties of hard questioning. They have stabbed the people in the back.


    1. When this is all done, no doubt there will be examination of how things have been handled at certain points.

      Both Dr.Tam and Dr.Henry said early on Canada was at low risk.

      Both federal and provincial politicians here in BC made a big show and press opps saying no need to close borders and stop going into Asian malls in Richmond etc. Meanwhile the Chinese community, having family and friends still overseas, was smartly at home isolating and wearing masks even prior to March. The Chinese community has now been credited as being a key reason our numbers were so low early on, as they were the ones not going to malls and restaurants while our politicians were in the press esring noodles like idiots telling everyone to keep shopping and dining out 🙄 This is well documented.

      It quickly became apparent they were all wrong and yet still the feds refused to close our borders.

      And even now, we are importing Covid daily in both domestic and international flights and no one says boo, meanwhile ordering everyone to keep their bubbles small while we send kids back to school in numbers that blow the concept of small bubbles apart.

      Officials didn’t learn a thing from the Sars inquiry, clearly.


  3. Your exactly right Laila in that they learned ZIp. I even heard a radio host make everything sound okay, because international travelers are monitored when their self isolating here for two weeks, and get phone calls every once in awhile, like around every twenty four hours. What things do those travelers do in between phone calls and checks. What kind of contacts do they have for those couple weeks. The monitors are not on them 24/7. It was such an empty headed response. Not even the dimmest piece of thought about all the various scenarios and pieces of the picture on international travel. But these kind of stupid responses from media and government is nothing new. Just sad.

    Federal Government buffoons, incompetents and hypocrites. Trudeau, Tam, Hadju, Transportation Minister Garneau. The whole darn works. And then yes, we have the press gallery. The worst part of the equation because of their lack of hard questioning. We seem to have some right here in BC , and even more well known personalities in that gang give me the feeling they endorse stupidity and free passes for hypocrisy and reckless decision making. They are so horrible.


  4. Thank you for this thoughtful and extensive piece. I have been struck by the importance that should be placed on the precautionary principle (which you raised in your earlier piece) especially in light of a seeming pivot from “follow the science” to follow it only so far as it aligns with our other interests.

    It seems a blind eye has been turned to rising evidence of aerosolization (e.g. ) and the significance that should have for measuring indoor air quality in classrooms based on human density–and the need for masking IN classrooms (where people are in the closest contact for the longest periods) just not the common spaces beyond–as a fail safe.

    This science has implications for school bathrooms which generally don’t have lids or big windows to open ( ;

    Then there’s the science of pediatric viral loads evidenced by the recent work in Chicago hospitals ( , Massachusetts hospitals ( & the extensive contact tracing of children to determine transmissions in Trento, Italy ( ).

    Little if anything is said about the rates of asymptomatic cases that WILL NOT BE CAUGHT by temperature or symptom self-checks at the school entrance (Here’s a great piece on asymptomatic rates from the UK’ s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine ) or the habituated practice of some parents sending sick kids to school with some Tylenol or cold meds.

    But, as you rightly raise, there are groups of students and families who are critically dependent on the services provided by schools. The lack of access to schools, employment and other services have laid these folks bare. How do we address COVID with safety and equity as guiding principles? As you point out, the current plan doesn’t seem to fit the bill.

    Again, thank you.


    1. Thank you for the kind words,I just was gobsmacked today to hear Bonnie Henry has now said 1 metre is ok at work and school as opposed to 2 now. To me, that sounds like a political move made quickly to try and allay fears. Particularly after she showed graphs showing workplace transmission is increasing. Its just bizarre to have two such contradictory bits of info so close together.


  5. I’m just wondering if Bonnie has finally got her head out of her ass, and has finally got her distancing thingy right, which is back to 2 metres just a couple days ago. You know, the one we are all into. It was 1 meter should be alright just a week or so ago for workplace and schools. Now she’s back to stating a few days ago that we should be staying around the two metres distance once again. Hoooly Shit. Cobwebs in that head sometimes. With the outbreaks going on i shake my head. Why would we not be striving for 2 metres or more. Dooohh.
    As far as back to school, I am not convinced she is in charge of any of the big decisions. Does it just look like she is in many ways. Just say’in. That incompetent F….P Education Minister must have sway over Henry.
    With all the spikes and influenza season coming, it kinda seems to be bad timing for back to school. Duhhh to them. As much as I it would be great, to have school reopening for the kids social well being, this does not match what is taking place with the virus. Is back to school being used to justify Fleming’s and bureaucrat’s jobs. Are they playing with lives and health. I just don’t trust most politicians. Some I think are selfish monsters who would throw whomever in the hole to keep their own heads above water.

    I see the announcement of 1. 6 billion for health and seniors long term care and hiring 7000 people, etc. etc. for change too that system. Where were the provinces and Feds on this over the years for implementing changes after the first SARS. Pieces of shit didn’t learn anything and didn’t care. Look what happened. It’s all so sad and sickening.
    Now the politicians throw big money in the pot and say to all. See how great we are for doing this.
    As much as those people who are greiving in their loss, I hope some go after these F…..S in high office for being so negligent. Now have a great day everyone.


    1. She didnt change anything Kenneylad.

      It is still 2 metres everywhere….

      Except in classrooms and workplaces where you see the same people everyday and work in office pods or something similar.

      And the caveat for classrooms was kids in rows all facing straight ahead, sitting quietly.

      That was a political move, not science based for what is known about being indoors with lots of people.


  6. It’s still bad mixed messaging. people change out in many variations to different bubbles and contacts from work to home and back. Like kids do when they go home. Sorry but I stick to my opinion with both feet planted unless i feel something has changed for the better. This messy messaging has been questioned and mentioned more than enough times in past in a variety of places and forums. It doesn’t make her bad. She is actually a very decent nice experienced person but she has some troubles with some messaging. I stick to my beliefs and don’t jump about until i feel otherwise. But that my thing. Back to school messaging has been haywire messaging. And that back to school advertisement. Pressure from above that screws her up. Highly possible. Since that distancing thing with schools is politically motivated, she should not be partaking in that forum if she has Health Officer independence. Sorry but that’s bad optics and not right.


  7. Minister Fleming and the higher power’s Back Pocket Puppet Bonnie and Dix couldn’t even get their act together and shut down the schools for the kids extra bit of health concern. Even a few days until the smoke cleared. I’m done with these sheeple people. Fleming is a complete useless indecisive leader.


  8. I’m just speculating here, but because of my mistrust of most politicians. And that includes Health officers. You know the politicians puppets that will really start the dirty dancing for their masters in election time. I wonder what level of cover ups will possibly take place when it comes to infections in schools. I would not doubt this scenario at all on the heels of a very possible election. That would make them look bad, Can’t have that now can we.
    Dix said he would CONSIDER giving out information on school infections. Is this the hint. The start of it. Will the washing of embarrasing information begin which I think has started. Once again it will be good journalism and brave whistle blowers to bring out the truth.


    1. I think the flow of information in Surrey district is pretty good, from what I have seen, in others not so much.
      Overall the flow of information on where cases are in regions around BC is terrible. I see no reason at this point in time, to continue using stigma as a reason not to ensure communities, particularly remote ones, know the risks and cases in their locale, to keep safe.

      Unfortunately government is in caretaker mode thanks to Horgan so I dont see much changing


  9. We were right about site c.
    No one listened..
    They continued building the dam and now its a disaster..

    We were right about it being irresponsible to send back kids without distancing.

    And now its starting to show.

    Fraser Health has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Cambridge Elementary School in Surrey, after seven COVID-19-positive cases were identified. As a precautionary measure to respond to this outbreak, Fraser Health has advised the Surrey School District to close Cambridge Elementary School for a two-week period to break any chains of COVID-19 transmission that may be present at the school.

    In addition, Fraser Health is working closely with the Delta School District to manage a cluster of COVID-19 cases at Jarvis Elementary School in Delta. Six COVID-19-positive cases have been identified at this location. As a result of this cluster, the Delta School District has advised Fraser Health that they will functionally close Jarvis Elementary School for a two-week period due to the staffing challenges presented by the cluster.

    In addition, Fraser Health is working closely with Al-Hidayah School, an independent school in New Westminster, to manage a cluster of COVID-19 cases at this location. Eight COVID-19-positive cases have been identified at the school. As a result of this cluster, Al-Hidayah School has advised Fraser Health that they will functionally close the school for a two-week period due to the staffing challenges presented by the cluster.
    In a school environment, if a student or teacher receives a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result, Fraser Health Public Health follows a rigorous protocol:


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